Empowering Firefighters to Achieve Financial Independence

Financial Planning and Investment Management for Firefighters

At Carlson Planning Company, we specialize in helping firefighters achieve their financial goals. Our personalized financial planning and investment management services are designed to support your unique needs, ensuring you can focus on what matters most—your career and your family. As fiduciaries, we are committed to putting your interests first, guiding you towards a secure and prosperous future.

About Us:

Why We Help:

We are dedicated to supporting firefighters in achieving financial independence and early retirement. Our team understands the unique challenges you face and is here to provide the peace of mind that comes from a well-crafted financial plan and strategic investment management tailored to your needs.

Who We Help:

Our services are designed specifically for firefighters and their families. With our expertise, you can navigate the complexities of your financial landscape, from pension planning to managing overtime income, and create a path to early retirement.


Our services are designed specifically for firefighters and their families.

With our expertise, you can navigate the complexities of your financial landscape, from pension planning to managing overtime income, and create a path to early retirement.

Financial Planning:

Our comprehensive financial planning services for firefighters include pension optimization, overtime income management, and strategies for achieving early retirement. We are dedicated to helping you build a robust financial foundation for the future.

Investment Management:

Our investment management services are tailored to meet the unique needs of firefighters. We can manage your 457b plan if it's self-directed, in concert with your other family investments. We develop personalized investment strategies that align with your financial goals, risk tolerance, and time horizon. Our goal is to help you grow your wealth and secure your financial future.

Retirement Planning Package:

Our retirement planning package is tailored for firefighters, focusing on maximizing pension benefits, managing deferred compensation, and creating a pathway to early retirement. We provide the guidance you need to ensure a secure and comfortable future.

College Planning Package:

We offer specialized college planning services for the families of firefighters. Our team helps you navigate scholarships, grants, and other financial aid options to support your children's education, ensuring their bright future without financial stress.

Secure Your Future, Protect Others

Don't let financial worries distract you from protecting your community.

Let us help you secure your financial future so you can continue to protect others.


Weekly Newsletter for more updates and information about firefighter finances.

Carlson Planning Company, LLC is an investment advisor registered and domiciled in Massachusetts.

Financial Planning for Firefighters.

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